This post has taken me SO long to write today, oh my God. I'm sick & currently not getting enough oxygen to my little brain so my ability to focus is absolutely nonexistent. Regardless of my ailment (WHY do I keep getting sick), you all need to hear about Citrus & Salt. Hands down my favorite Mexican food I've had in Boston and maybe anywhere (I'm still very loyal to Mission Cantina in Amherst).
I had a shitty week so Rob took the initiative to plan a date night last Friday & I'd been dying to check this place out. I loOoOoOoOove Mexican food and tapas, so naturally a Mexican tapas situation was best case scenario. Needed a good night out with Rob, some tortilla chips, and a margarita. I've been drinking tequila waters with lime lately in my desperate attempt to make alcohol healthy, but Friday was not the night for that. I'd like the girliest, sweetest, pinkest drink you have, THANK YOU. Will this almost certainly give me a 2 day hangover? Fuck me up. It was dios de los muertos, I somehow managed to get a 7:30 reservation, if there were ever a time to go all in, it was then.
It took me maybe? 4 seconds? after walking in to decide that this place is my new home. I seriously think Citrus & Salt might be my official East Coast mothership (Catch LA and Alfred's are my West Coast motherships). Pink, chandeliers, cacti, cactus/pink stools, skull wallpaper, twinkly lights, couches, CHILAQUILES AND A PINK DRINK WITH BLACK SALT RIM?? I was in my GLORY. I was like, ready to jump out a window on Wednesday night so we went from that mood to the exact mood you'd expect me to be in while sitting on a cute couch surrounded by pink and tacos - very good and excited for a future with more tacos and more pink.
I love tapas because 1) I'm crazy indecisive and 2) I like snacking more than I like eating full meals. If I can order 5 things off the menu and not have leftovers - my ideal. Tapas are such a fun little adventure because you can eat while drinking, and then keep drinking, and when you're hungry from drinking, guess what? More food.
The first thing we ordered were jalapeño kettle chips with guac - I was about one drink away from asking the waiter if we could just have an industrial sized bag of those chips. I don't know if you guys are familiar with Mi Nina tortilla chips (if not, you need to try them) but these tasted just like the Jalapeño Agave flavor (which I will no lie put down an entire bag of if no one stops me) AND they were kettle chips?? I could've just sat there and ate 10 baskets of those chips & been totally happy.
THANK GOD I DIDN'T JUST DO THAT THOUGH OR I WOULDN'T HAVE HAD THE BEST CHILAQUILES I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. Look, I spent both trips out to San Diego pounding chilaquiles to the point that I think my face was permanently tinged orange for like, 2 weeks after I got home. I consider myself somewhat of a chilaquiles connoisseur so, I'm not gonna to lie to you, I was hesitant when I saw that these chilaquiles had goat cheese in their recipe. Wrong. I would eat these chilaquiles for my last meal. Holy shit. I was about to bite Rob's hand off if he took another chip. If I ordered a basket of those kettle chips and guac and then 4 orders of the chilaquiles, that would've been my best night ever. The chips weren't all flacid n soggy like some chilaquiles can get, the goat cheese was tangy but still cooled the spice down, I am so hungry writing this omg. CITRUS AND SALT - I CANNOT WAIT TO COME BACK AND EAT YOU OUT OF HOUSE AND HOME. CHILAQUILES AND KETTLE CHIPS.

If you're looking for a cute place to go get drinks after work, dinner, brunch, whatever - I cannottttt recommend Citrus & Salt more highly. The interior is adorable, it's in a fun part of Back Bay, and the food & drinks are the best I've had anywhere in Boston for a lonnng time. Gonna throw a little list of my favorites (I think I went through that entire drink menu, not a great night for my health) right here so if you're around this weekend, get after it.

Chilaquiles (duh)
Jalapeno Kettle Chips & Guac
Crispy Chicken wings (GF!!)
Fish Tacos (take Rob's word for it because I couldn't eat them)
Beautiful liar (pink drink!)
White Sangria
Smoke Show (mezcal drink that comes out smoking. Love an extra presentation)
Happy Friday! Hope you all have a great weekend filled with tequila & chilaquiles! I will be up in Amherst for homecoming, almost certainly convincing myself that the classic 2am Antonio's slice isn't *that* much gluten.