Black/Gray smokey eyes are boring and they look awful on almost everyone. I said it.

I know a lot of people look at couture shows and even ready to wear as inaccessible - trends that sure, they look great on the runway, but you wouldn't actually wear most of them. Even I, the woman who frequently wears lingerie as clothes, sometimes see trends that I'm unwilling to attempt to pull off. The unibrow at Gucci? I had mine laser-ed off at the tender age of 15 and Gucci is straaaaaight out of their minds if they think I'm drawing one on (THEY DREW THEM ON THEIR MODELS. THEIR MODELS DIDN'T EVEN HAVE REAL UNIBROWS. STOP THE MADNESS).
Fall 2018, however, not only had a ton of more risqué fashion trends that I'm DYING to try out for myself, ( ef me the ef up, Blumarine. I'll wear reptile skin boots again - especially in blush with sheer, ultra-femme accessories. It's 2003 and nothing matters.) but the makeup was, across the board, BOMB.
Makeup lately has just been kind of boring to me and I think it's because I fell into a routine of using the same complementary nudes over and over and over again. You can only do so much with contouring, and as much as I love my Laura Mercier palette, wearing it everyday and every night (I'm guilty of sometimes just blending in dark brown to my daytime eyeshadow look & heading out for the night) has gotten kind of boring. It's hard to switch up your routine when you've found something that works for you (and if you have green eyes like me, the LM palette is AMAZING) BUT, hear me out, I think reverting back to our middle school, 2002, limited too, glitter covered, bright pink nonsense could actually be better.
Not only is using colorful and glittery makeup more fun (I mean, at least for me,) think about what colors on the color wheel complement you. Now think about either 1) how boring you are with the shades you choose of said color or 2) how you just completely ignore it. I'm not saying that's bad, trust that I will be trying out plenty of colors that will do my eye color no real favors, but if you've ever wanted your blue eyes to really stick out, I bet you've never considered actually using orange eyeliner.
Honestly two of my favorite things about making really bold fashion choices are how confident you feel, and how uncomfortable every grump around you is. The first time I went IN with glitter makeup as an adult, I felt so cool. Seriously. I had one of my big fur coats on, heels, glitter EVERYWHERE and bright pink lips - I got so many compliments and likewise so many dirty looks. Its amazing. Nothing will make you feel like you're doing something right quite like the disapproving glare of some girl wearing an American Eagle sweater to the bar. Does that make me mean? I'm really not sure what my personality disorder is here that I genuinely enjoy a good scoff from a 24 year old who is wearing ballet flats out on a Friday night, but, its a real confidence booster for me. Being called extra is great. Ya damn right I am. Life is short & the good Lord didn't put me on this earth to be boring just because Rebecca is going to make a comment that she just "doesn't have time or energy" to get dressed up and do her makeup. Bye, Rebecca.
I don't take myself too seriously, but it can still be very liberating to put on what you like best regardless of the positive and/or negative attention you'll receive. As long as you feel good in it, embrace the trend! Even if you don't feel completely comfortable in it right away, just give it a shot. If you want to try gold false lashes and black lipstick - do it! It literally wipes off if you come to realize its not for you. Experimenting with makeup gives you that same excitement you felt the first time you got into your mom's beauty supples - everything is new and you're not sure what to do, but its all so pretty and you feel like a movie star. Take some advice from Fall 2018 and apply it to spring and summer as well - the world is harsh, adult life sucks, but seeing everything through neon colored lashes will at least take the edge off.
My picks:
& so many more that I'm going to have to do multiple posts on specific looks because I love me some glitter and bright lipstick.
Try some of them out at Sephora! If you're a VIB Rouge, they'll do your makeup for free with an appointment and you can have them try a bunch of different products on you until you find one you love! If you're a VIB, the makeovers are free with a $50 purchase! Then again you can always just go into the store and do your own makeup like I do sometimes. Unclear if that's allowed but, if I can rub it on my wrist, why not on my face, right?
Let me know if you have any cool suggestions! I'm always in the market for fun makeup.
#makeup #nars #marcjacobs #natashadenona #sephora #beauty #fall18 #makeupforever #stila #YSL #HudaBeauty #Fenty #fashion #lifestyle #Gucci #Dior #LauraMercier