The first time I had a green smoothie, I really just went for it. I don’t know what advice I took, if any, but whatever I forced myself to consume was absolutely disgusting. I was probably 16 years old and I’m pretty sure I used spinach, milk, pineapple, and ice cubes?? & horrible proportions of the 4. I was drinking like, spinach flavored iced milk.
Six years later, I haven’t quite mastered the art of green smoothies, but I have a few recipes that I genuinely love & feel they’re good enough to share with you all!
This particular recipe is relatively low calorie, so feel free to jack it up with protein powder, more seed/nut milk, greek yogurt – anything to make it a sufficient meal replacement.
Make sure you freeze the banana(s)/pineapple chunks the night before or have about an hour to freeze them beforehand!

Banana Pineapple Green Smoothie
1/2 – 1 frozen banana
1/3 cup frozen pineapple chunks
1-2 cups of spinach (or kale!)
1/4 a cup of liquid (water, nut/seed milk, etc) or enough to desired thickness
1 – 2 teaspoons of hemp seeds
Place all ingredients in the blender and blend until an even texture is achieved (no clumps or little pieces of spinach). Check the thickness and adjust by adding more liquid/more bananas if you’d like! I use Protein Flax Milk in all of my smoothie recipes (it obviously adds protein & is much thicker than water/normal skim milk which is equivalent to it in calories!)
The whole smoothie comes out to about 200 calories! If you have a smaller breakfast and thats good for you, I’d just recommend using a protein fortified liquid to keep you full. I took this picture last weekend when I made it (I usually have bigger breakfasts on the weekend) so I had some gluten free toast with sunflower seed butter, chia seeds, and raspberries on the side & it was yummmmm. I love carbs.
If this is your first time dabbling in green smoothie making, let me know how you like it! I know everyone’s tastes are different so if you’re looking for one a little sweeter or a little more earthy, I’ll try to have some of my other recipes up soon!