I never really thought of blogging as a creative outlet until I was curled up in a little ball on the couch in my therapist's office, trying to pull a hobby out of my ass (just getting back to the keyboard here, give me a sec to revive my eloquence). A hobby??? An ADULT hobby? I knew therapy was going to be tough to get back into but we're asking the big questions right off the bat here, huh? What do I LIKE?? a HOBBY?? WHAT DO I DO ON WEEKENDS??? I mix preworkout with vodka and then meditate on why I fucking hate myself. That's what I do on the weekends. And work my way through my newest Ina Garten cookbook, Cooking Like a Pro. I have a signed copy on my coffee table and another in the kitchen.
I haven't been blogging recently because I've been going through a bit of an identity crisis...depression...spell, & nothing has really inspired me to write. Tough to sit here and write about things I enjoy when I've just spent the past 20 minutes at work staring at a wall thinking "Wowwwwww. I really have to wake up again tomorrow."
Therapy has been going well, I feel like I'm getting back on track in life, I've been sober since the Super Bowl (go pats) which has really been quite nice, and I've definitely felt SIGNFICANTLY better about my life and future since starting back up with a therapist again. Even with the gym and the career moves and sobriety and all of my vision boards, blah blah, blah blah blah, I've just been SO uninspired. When Sarah, my wonderful therapist who is *not* covered by my insurance, saw the absolute terror on my face when I realized I don't have a hobby, she dialed it back a bit and instead asked "do you have a creative outlet?". I used to have a ton of hobbies/creative outlets but I've had a really hard time transitioning them to adult life (something I'm working on!). I told her I like writing & inevitably she asked "about what" and I sat there like "durrrrrrrr" for a couple minutes before she said "once things start feeling better you'll remember what you like" and HERE I AM, HUNNY.
T'was Kim Kardashian that lit a fire in whatever chakra controls my creativity (is that the third eye? @ Gwyn?) yesterday afternoon. Do I like the Kardashians? I don't feel strongly about them either way. They're objectively hot and I'm pickin' up the occasional thing they're putting down, big Kris Jenner fan, but otherwise I usually don't care what they do. Yesterday, as I sat at my desk thinking about the drastic actions I would take to own the tweed two piece from Chanel's 1995 S/S RTW collection (rip Karl) that Eva Herzivoga wore, I saw Kim Kardashian had something to say. Literally while I was on Revolve looking at a pink tweed miniskirt like "this is kinda...the vibe I'm going for, right?" Kim Kardashian, for the first time in her entire life, shared with us her distaste for fast fashion and unoriginality. I'm legitimately loling. This is all...too much. Too much to cover in one post. There will be follow-up posts.
If you know me or have read my blog in the past, you know that I am *not* a fan of design/creative imitations in fashion (like when trash ass D&G copied one of my favorite shows of all time, Dior A/W 2012 by Raf Simons. I will fight Stefano.). Now, this happens naturally in a couple of ways that I have no problem with and I'll get into, but when Chloe all of the sudden is creating multiple pieces that mimic a past YSL collection, that's a big "meh" from me. When Michael Kors sells bags that are blatant imitations of Birkins or Valentino Garavani Rockstud bags or !! or !! - never comes up with an original design because they're too busy knocking off better fashion houses because they're *trash*, I hate that. I hate Michael Kors. Not necessarily the person, but the brand. When an established luxury brand rips off the art, creativity, and ingenuity of another fashion house, its upsetting and a major turn off to me. Of course, the fashion world is relatively small; creative directors and designers etc. etc. will move from one brand to another and take with them their experience, their staff, and what not - inevitably leading to new collections/shows reminiscent of previous collections/shows. Once a designer/CD is more established, we're able to associate them with a specific aesthetic of their own & identify their influence on a particular brand (for example, Louis Vuitton/Marc Jacobs, Hedi Slimane/Dior/YSL/Celine, again we can get into this in a later post).
Now...this bitch...Kim Kardashian...thought she was coming for necks...and failed so miserably...on so many levels...that I am writing this blog post the way I imagine the dudes who wrote the Bible as God whispered it line for line into their ears did. I don't even know where to start but, hopefully, if I just write my feelings they'll come together as some product of divine inspiration.
We're all smart people. We get that there is a difference between Chanel and Fashion Nova. We know there is a difference between D&G literally looking at Raf Simon's work and going "ok...we're just gonna...do that, I guess" and a fast-fashion brand like Fashion Nova making a $23 copy of a custom made, probably upwards of $15,000, dress. Kim doesn't. Or at least she's pretending she doesn't. Is it the attention, Kim? Is that what you want? The attention? No one on this God damn planet is buying a $23 spandex dress and laughing to themselves "haha, yes, now people will think *I* am wearing a custom Mugler". Its like, almost offensive to call whatever the fuck spandex sheet that an assembly line cut holes in an infringement on the original designer's creative property. You might as well have just tweeted the screenshot of the fashion nova dress along with that picture of Paris Hilton standing on stage at Coachella with the "Stop Being Poor" shirt on. WHAT point are you making, oh queen of cultural appropriation, who makes her livelihood in part off of selling shittier versions of the products you use to people who have less money than you? Like I'm going to use your janky ass contour kit when I could just buy a *better* one? Creativity....on god...I am laughing....you PROFIT off of the demographic you are complaining about. YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESFUL INFLUENCE MARKETERS IN THE WORLD. YOU ARE THE OG INFLUENCER. YOU AND YOUR SISTERS HAVE MADE ** M I L L I O N S ** OF DOLLARS BY SELLING OR ADVERTISING CHEAPER PRODUCTS THAN THE ONES YOU USE YOURSELVES. Creativity...BITCH!

Let us now MOVE ON to the fact that you and your sisters are NOTORIOUS for stealing the work of other designers and selling, ALWAYS, a shittier, haphazardly thrown together, copy. Like when Kylie stole all of her camo line from Plugged NYC - an independent designer, who she could've just promoted, but instead CHOSE to rip off. Or when Khloe stole from D.Bleu.Dazzled (please venmo me so I can buy the bra and the tights and the full bodysuit from the original) & made total rip off bodysuits for Good American that, last time I checked, have a 1 star rating on Nordstrom, while DBD dresses Beyonce and Cardi B. Do they think its okay because they don't make their prices cheaper than the price set by the original designer? If Fashion Nova made that vintage Mugler dress $15k, is that now art?? Does the knock off have to be expensive and profitable to you exclusively to be considered fair game?
Apparently, to Kim, yes - there's no moral conflict if she's profiting in some way. She really just kept speaking & went on to claim that fashion companies are ripping off Kanye. KANYE. THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SHIT I HAVE EVER HEARD. KANYE. FUCKING YEEZY. WHO THE FUCK IS RIPPING OFF YEEZY? HOMELESS PEOPLE?? WALGREENS??? His line, Yeezy, is art only in the form of social commentary. Just because the Kardashians wear bike shorts, a moth-hole ridden, janky sweatshirt, and see-through heels YOU'RE going to pay $3000 for that ensemble? That trash ensemble? WHAT ARE YOU D O I N G???? "I've watched people rip off my husband's work for years" - GIRL HE IS SELLING A JUMPSUIT THAT LOOKS STRAIGHT OUT OF HOLES. HE'S RIPPING OFF STANLEY YELNATS. From the studio that brought you Holes, its YEEZY SEASON 6. There are still holes absolutely fucking everywhere for no reason, but instead of learning a lesson and saving your family from poverty and a curse (I need to watch Holes again, lil fuzzy on the premise), you're spending $400 on Jockey bike shorts.
I am exhausted. I have so much more to say about the weird....dare I say morality? of the issue? but I just wanted to leave you with my thoughts. Yesterday I remembered I like fashion - I love fashion, and I love writing about it. I won't turn this into an exclusively fashion blog, but it felt good to remember something I like...a hobby, perhaps...again.
Kim Kardashian is officially an insufferable culture-vulture that has no problem exploiting artists who don't have a big enough platform or the money to stand up to her, but wants to remind you that you're poor & can't be like her, a curator of fine arts. Evidently there's some moral issue here & the OG influencer doesn't want to influence people if they're going to be paying someone else.
Humble thyself, Kimberly. No one has forgotten that you used to organize Paris Hilton's closet.
(also, would definitely recommend @diet_prada on instagram for a further look into some conspiracy theories that are *definitely* true regarding Kim and her relationship with fast fashion brands).
That's all for now! If you have any thoughts or musings you would like to share with me, please do. I'm excited to rediscover some hobbies, take care of myself, and get back on here writing more consistently. Missed u guys.