This weekend I left the house ONCE and it was to go grocery shopping. We stayed at my boyfriend's parents' house which is always fun, but the way I'm willing to present myself in front of his parents is starting to get embarrassing. A stained men's XL polo t-shirt & 3 year old Lululemon leggings? Yeah sure. Issa look. Not getting off the couch all day? My favorite activity. Your son found a CATCH.
My actual favorite activity when we're hanging with his parents is cooking. They're both suuuuuper good cooks & I love that they take the time to teach me how to make recipes and include me in the process (teaching me to filet chicken for chicken piccata was a nightmare but usually I'm pretty good.)
I wouldn't go so far as to call this a real "recipe," but Rob & I had gotten some truffle salt after a cooking class we took a few weeks ago and wanted to try it out! Apparently, when cooking anything with truffles, the move is to go with truffle salt for seasoning over oil because often times truffle oil is synthetic whereas truffle salt actually has truffles in it. Always check the label! No one wants to be paying truffle money for fake truffles.
His mom taught us how to use the stove-top popcorn maker (I'd never used it before! We always used an air pop machine at my house) and that was my big Sunday adventure. It turned out SOOOO well & in the future I'll definitely make this over just salt and butter.

Truffle Popcorn
The popcorn/popcorn kernels of your choosing (you can actually just buy plain microwave popcorn!)
About 2 tablespoons of oil per 1/2 cup of kernels (anything but olive oil, it will heat up too quickly and burn.)
Olive Oil to taste
Truffle Salt to taste (try just using a pinch and adding until you get the desired flavor - its super potent)
Rosemary, grated Parmesan, parsley(optional)
Yeah that's pretty much it
If you're making it on the stovetop, make sure your pot has a cover and is big enough to account for the popcorn getting bigger! Try just a few kernels at first to make sure you have it on a good heat setting (high). Once you have your test kernels popped, take them out add the rest of the oil and kernels & keep an eye on them, shaking the pan every once in awhile so the heat is evenly distributed. Once the popping slows down, take it off the heat and leave covered for a minute or so, just so any kernels that didn't pop yet have a chance.
Throw the popcorn in a bowl, drizzle with olive oil, then add the truffle salt and any other seasonings to taste. I think it would be awesome with parsley and parmesan! That's what my favorite truffle fries are seasoned with, so I'm excited to try that out for myself.
I'd recommend the Mark Bitterman Truffle Salt! It's $27 at Sur La Table & definitely worth it if you're a truffle nut like me.